Local Benefits

Local Benefits Intro

Thames Enterprise Park will revitalise what was once a major employment site, bringing jobs and economic life back to this important industrial area of Thurrock. It will deliver a wide range of significant benefits to Thurrock and the South East.

  • Major regeneration – transforming 412 acres of unused brownfield land into a strategic employment and infrastructure asset for the community, forming part of the wider 669-acre regeneration site to be delivered over time.
  • Creating up to 5,500 new jobs for the local area.
  • Providing training and learning opportunities for young people.
  • Generating an additional £340 million per year for the local economy.
  • Creating a clean, sustainable and commercially-relevant employment hub which will attract new businesses to Thurrock and the wider regional area.
  • Play a significant role in transforming the regional economy and delivering benefits at scale though the Thames Freeport, which as a whole could create 25,000+ new jobs. Visit www.thamesfreeport.com for more.
  • Supporting and enabling the ambitions within the Thames Estuary Growth Board and its ‘Green Blue’ initiative and contributing to sustainable regeneration and growth of the area.
  • Delivering extensive package of transport improvements both on and off site for improving the road, rail, cycling and pedestrian links connecting into existing communities and the established transport network.
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New jobs for the local area

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412 acres

transforming 412 acres of unused brownfield land

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£340 million

per year for the local economy

Sustainability and the environment

Thames Enterprise Park is being designed to be a leading innovation hub in sustainable energy, manufacturing and other technologies by providing a home for national and international companies, research and development organisations. Participating in the drive towards net zero is a collective responsibility and Thames Enterprise Park can make a significant contribution to the UK’s green energy transition.

Key aspects of the sustainable approach include:

  • Aspiring to have renewable energy facilities and highly sustainable buildings.
  • Supporting the transition towards net zero by being at the forefront of innovation and ‘next generation’ energy industries. Thames Enterprise Park has the right development land, site conditions and strategic location to facilitate this.
  • Having multi-modal connections, including rail and river, enabling more sustainable transport and efficient supply chains.
  • Repurposing the site’s unique infrastructure, including its pipe network, deep water port and connections into the UK grid, to deliver green energy solutions.
  • Clustering manufacturing, processing, energy and logistics operations to have more efficient supply chains and minimise emissions.
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